Point of Sale Apps 1580 Apps found. category: Point of Sale × version: 14.0 ×

POS lot selection pos barcode lot selection on point of sale lot selection for pos automatic lot selection for point of sales lot selection pos unique lot selection point of sale unique lot selection pos serial number selection for point of sale serial

POS Auto Lot Selection With Barcode

- Our Odoo Point of Sale (POS) module is designed to supercharge your business by streamlining order management and providing an exceptional dining experience for your customers. - Simplify order management and speed up transactions by merging multiple orders from the same customer into a single transaction. No more juggling separate bills and confusing your staff and customers. - Our module enables you to merge orders from different tables seamlessly. This means faster service, fewer disruptions, and happier customers. - This module provide the feature of merge two or more orders direct from the pos, You don't need to merge orders from backend. - You can merge two or more table's orders by merging table into another table. Merge Orders from pos | Merge multiple pos table orders into single table | Merge multiple orders in single order from pos| Merge multiple table orders into single order in restuarant pos | You can process multiple table's order in single table

POS table orders merge | POS merge tables | Order list merge | POS order management | POS table merge
Terabits Technolab

The module shows the spare parts products in pos in pos available a button for vehicles and then clicking on this button show all car details the and also provide a search bar for searching some cars and also provide a bsearch bar producty screen accordingly provide products when search a prodcts.|Spare Parts|Custom Spare Parts|Search Spare Parts|Modify Spare Parts.

Pos spare parts
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

The POS user can synchronize one POS session with other so they can send restauarant orders from one POS to another. Odoo Restaurant Order transfer | Transfer Restaurant Orders | Table Orders Transfer | Floor/Table Detail Transfer | Send POS Orders | Send Restaurant Orders

Restaurant Order transfer
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

Get a Digital Receipt Through Mail and With Scanning Qr Code.|Digital Receipt|POS digital records|Point of Sale receipt|Paperless receipts|E-receipts

POS Digital Receipt
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

Print pos Restaurant receipts using ESC/POS network printer. No need to connect IOT box separately

POS Network Printer Restaurant| IP Network Printer Drivers | (ESC/POS) | Epson Standard Code for Printers | Point of sale network printer Restaurant
Creyox Technologies

This module helps you to print pos order number on pos receipt | Order Ref on Receipt | Order Ref on POS Receipt | POS Order Number on ticket

Print POS Order Number on Receipt | POS Order Ref on Receipt
Preway IT Solutions

Synchronization of POS product data

POS Quick Load - Product
Srikesh Infotech

Point Of Sales discount Coupons POS Gift Vouchers Discount website Discount Coupons website gift Discount pos discount website discount POS promo Discount pos offer discount point of sales Vouchers point of sales gifts discount pos Vouchers website voucher

Discount Coupons and Gift voucher for POS and Website

To provide credits for regular customers in POS

POS Credit Limit
Cybrosys Techno Solutions

Using this module to auto select LOT/Serial in POS sorted by expiry date.

POS Lot Auto Selection depend on expiry date
Ahmed Elmahdi

The module allow you to process customer refund with a voucher or coupon instead of cash. The customer can use the voucher amount on the successive purchases.

POS Refund Via Voucher
Webkul Software Pvt. Ltd.

Point Of Sale Default Invoices, POS Default Invoice, Default Invoice on POS, Point Of Sale Bydefault Invoice, POS Bydefault Invoice, POS Invoices Odoo

POS Default Invoice | Point Of Sale Default Invoice
Softhealer Technologies

This apps helps you set salesperson on pos orderline from pos interface | POS Orderline User | Assign Sales Person on POS | POS Sales Person

POS Salesperson(Employee)
Preway IT Solutions

POS Product Discount, Point Of Sale Discount, Point Of Sale Order Line Discount, POS Custom Discount,Point Of Sale Global Discount, Point Of Sale Line Discounts, POS Line Discount, POS Global Discount,Point Of Sale Order Global Discount Odoo

Point Of Sale Order Discount
Softhealer Technologies

POS Multi Branch app user Multiple Branch Management POS Multi Branch app Multiple Unit Operating unit pos branch point of Sales Purchase branch pos branch pos branch unit branch unit pos for single company with Multi Branches multi company pos

Multiple Branch Unit Operation Setup with Point Of Sales in Odoo

All in one pos reports Print pos session report pos sales summery report pos sales reports point of sales reports pos X Report pos z report pos payment summary reports pos Inventory audit report pos Order summary report pos Posted Session POS Profit Report

ALL POS Reports in Odoo (POS BOX Compatible)

POS multiple warehouse point of sales multi warehouse point of sale multiple warehouse point of sale multi warehouse on pos warehouse management pos different warehouse pos product stock pos stock management pos inventory pos stock on different warehouse

POS Multi Warehouse Product Quantity

App point of sales auto invoice check pos Auto Invoice Reconcile pos invoice auto generation pos invoice automation POS Invoice Automate point of sales invoice auto check pos invoice auto check pos invoice check pos automation invoice on pos invoice check

POS Invoice Auto Check in odoo

POS Extra Bank Charges on POS Extra Charges on POS credit card charges pos extra payment charges pos credit card extra charges point of sale extra bank charges on point of sale extra charges point of sale bank charges point of sales bank charge pos charges

Bank Charges in POS